Cheap Flight Deals

How to Find Cheap Flights Tickets to India

As the cost of flying is increasing day by day, the chances of getting cheap flights are much more challenging.

Competition between airlines, airports and other tax, currency exchange rates are major hurdles in any one’s path of getting affordable flights.

But that does not mean, you can not get great discounts and deals on flight tickets.

Day by day as airlines are increasing their cost of flying, they also offer some killer deals that can put the pressure off your shoulders.

Check out some great ways to find cheap flight tickets to India from the USA.

1. Try to have Flexible Dates

If you want to find the cheapest flights always have flexible dates.

Airlines often have a great offer on some off-peak days. So, if you have flexible dates, you can book your tickets when the rates are low.

2. Book in advance

If you have flexible dates and want to book your tickets, advance booking is the best way to do it. Book 6 to 9 weeks before the flying date and get great deals.

But airlines often increase their prices deliberately or lower them all at once. Make sure to check them to avoid a last-minute rush.

3. Cheapest Travel Dates

Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturdays are best to book your flight tickets because these are the off-peak days and you can avail a great discount on these days.

Even flying on the day of Holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, etc can get you cheap tickets.

4. Clear browser cookies

 If you are searching from the same browser again and again with the same account you are most likely to not get cheapest deals as websites use cookies to search about your previous searches.

So, if you want great deals, either use a different browser or always clear your cookies and cache before making another searching attempt.

5. Subscribe to Newsletters

If you have subscribed to the airline’s newsletters, you are most likely to get information whenever they lower their fares. Otherwise, you have to waste hours searching on the internet for the lowest fares.

6. Flight Budget

Always plan your budget before planning a trip. Many trips get canceled due to poorly planned flight budget.

Do check for flights before planning a trip. Try to gain miles via Credit cards for a budget trip.

7. Land in smaller cities

Whenever you plan to go to India, try to land in a smaller city than the bigger Metropolitan cities.

This is because larger airports are much expensive to land the airplanes and the extra fees get added to your ticket.

8. Choose odd hours to fly

Fly during odd hours like late night or early morning. Save some money by traveling on odd hours, if you can take the pressure of waiting.

If there are so many flights to one place, the chances of cheap flight tickets are high during odd hours.


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