Cheap Flight Deals

Exclusive offer on Flights tickets on Labour Day

Fly from US to India or India to US at the cheapest price with flyopedia. Get the highest discount on air tickets that give USD 100 off on booking cheap flight tickets to India from USA or vice versa. If you are coming to India or going to the US then this is the best deal. Whether you are moving with family, friends, or alone it is a very profitable deal.

Book your ticket in advance and travel later. You have to book your ticket by 8th September to avail of this discount. Don’t waste time, book today. You have a lot of time for packing and all.

Booking Dates: 2nd September to 8th September

Travel dates: 15th December to 31st January

Tripbeam is well known for its services and offers. It provides great deals and offers throughout the year.

Grab this biggest discount offer.